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Can You Stomach It? The Vicious Cycle of Anemia and Iron Supplements

Can You Stomach It? The Vicious Cycle of Anemia and Iron Supplements

Taking many of today’s available oral iron supplements can make you feel as if you have swallowed a brick. The side effects can be so unpleasant that you stop taking them altogether and begin a vicious cycle of spiraling iron levels and unused products. With our innovative new iron supplement Ferritin Boost, the ironology team aims to break that cycle with a formulation that offers optimal absorption without the unpleasant stomach issues.

Most Iron Supplements Cause GI Side Effects

Most forms of iron just sit in your stomach and wreak havoc but they are commonly used because they are inexpensive and readily available. Most manufacturers don’t really understand the Science of Iron or what we as women go through on a daily and monthly basis.

As the founder of Get Your Iron Up, I have heard from many thousands of women whose primary complaint about oral iron is the gastrointestinal (GI) distress such as nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux and indigestion that many brands can cause. Those formulations are not easy to tolerate, they are hard on the system and practically make you feel worse than your Iron Deficiency Anemia does. The GI side effects and stomach discomfort can be unbearable.

The Vicious Cycle of Anemia

And thus begins what I like to call the Vicious Cycle of Anemia. This is how it goes: Your physician recommends oral iron supplements, you start taking the them but they make you feel worse so you stop taking them, you ignore your condition and your iron levels continue to plummet. Before you know it, you're at rock bottom in terms of iron deficiency and you're too foggy and depressed to even do anything about it. This is where you can really find yourself in the danger zone...even close to heart failure like I was!

Breaking the Cycle

At ironology, we aim to break that cycle with the BEST iron supplements available. 

Our team has nearly 60 combined years of studying, researching and educating others about the complex Science of Iron. Using a superior form of Iron and a proprietary complex of simple yet proven ingredients based on that science, we formulated Ironology Ferritin Boost for iron supplements with the most optimal absorption, but without the unpleasant side effects. With a fully chelated form of iron that stays intact in the GI tract for optimal absorption, our iron supplements are designed to gently and steadily increase ferritin levels and improve Iron reserves with no unpleasant GI side effects.

But that’s only half the battle and where understanding the Science of Iron comes into play once more. The ironology Boost Regimen will help you strive for maximum results.

The ironology Boost Regimen

The 7-Step Plan to Manage Iron Deficiency with/without Anemia 

If you’ve been diagnosed with Iron Deficiency with or without Anemia, and your doctor has recommended iron supplementation, you will want to follow the Boost Regimen (included with each order) carefully for at least 90 days before expecting to experience results. Improvement takes time and simple is not always easy. No matter which iron supplement you take, even with what we consider to be the very best iron supplement, if you don’t give it a fair chance, you won’t see an improvement. That’s why we recommend a 90-day commitment. If feeling better and balancing your Iron is your goal, decide to do this for yourself and stick with it.

So, can you stomach it? Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Anemia is certainly worth it, and it's very doable as long as you're armed with the right product and tools. We hope you’re relieved to know that ironology is ready when you are!

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